The Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Program Center for Research and Training is committed to understanding the impact and outcomes of our work, providing us with an evidence-based approach to decision making. Over the years, we have completed many studies, within multiple fields and disciplines. Please find the links and downloadable PDF's to our work regarding diabetes prevention spanning over 30+ years.
Publications 2020-Present.
Lévesque L, Baillie CPT, Macaulay AM. Truth and Reconciliation in Health Promotion: A Guide to Allyship. In Health Promotion in Canada: A World in Acceleration. Fifth Edition. Editors: Pederson A, Lapalme J, Frohlich K, Ferlatte O, Dupéré. Published Canadian Scholars Books Inc. 2024 (in press).
Delormier T, McBeath BM, Jock BW. Onkwehon:we (Indigenous) Ways of Health Promotion Research and Practice. In Health Promotion in Canada: A World in Acceleration. Fifth Edition. Editors: Pederson A, Lapalme J, Frohlich K, Ferlatte O, Dupéré. Published Canadian Scholars Books Inc. 2024 (in press).
Udy, S., & Delormier, T. (2024). Chapter 4: Partnered Research. In Knowledge Makers Special Edition: Indigenous Women, Indigenous Peoples’ Food and Knowledge Systems, and Climate Action. Editors: Chaudhary, L., Drong, P.E., Edward, N., Cruz, R.M.F., Gill, D., Kirby, M.K., Mohamed, G.I., Monteiro, R., Mo'okini-Oliveira, P.P.O., Olsen, C. and Uriana, D.P. Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, Canada. URI:
Salsberg, J., & McComber, A. M. (2024). Chapter 4: Partnered Research. In Meaningful and Safe: The Ethics and Ethical Implications of Patient and Public Involvement in Health and Medical Research. Editors V Minogue and J Salsberg. Ethics International Press.
Sobierajski F, Lévesque L, McGavock J, Beardy T, Montemurro G, Storey K, & the IYMP National Team. (2022). The essential conditions needed to implement the Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program: A focused ethnography. BMC Public Health. 22:213.
Splicer, B., Kirby, C., & Fraser, S. (2022). Your Mandates Are Not Ours. In Unravelling Ethics in Human Rights Work: Ongoing Conversations. Eds Neil Bilotta, Christina Clark-Kazak, Shayna Plaut, Lara Rosenoff-Gauvin and Maritza Felices. UBC Press, Canada.
Tai Rakena, H. (2021) On the rapids: A case study incorporating tribally centred epistemology into health promotion in Kahnawà:ke.On the rapids: A case study incorporating tribally centred epistemology into health promotion in Kahnawà:ke. [Master’s thesis, McGill University]
Dubnewick, M., Wasyliw, D., & Schaefer, L. (2021) Ethical considerations when negotiating entry in community-based research. Leisure Sciences. Volume 43 (Issue 3-4)
Lopresti, S., Willows, N. D., Storey, K. E., & McHugh, T. F. (2021). Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program: key implementation characteristics of a school peer mentorship program in Canada. Health promotion international, 36(4), 913–923.
McBeath, B., Franks, O., Delormier, T., Périllat-Amédée, S., McComber, A., Abigosis, T., Leafe, D., Macaulay, A., & Lévesque, L. (2021). Reflecting on the use of Concept Mapping as a Method for Community-Led Analysis of Talking Circles. Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous Health, 1(2).
Périllat-Amédée, S., Delormier, T. W., Flamand, S., Ottawa, G., McBeath, B., McComber, A. M., Macaulay, A., Lévesque, L., & Flamand, D. (2021). Atikamekw Nehirowisiw Mirowatisiwin: Identifying the Strengths of the Manawan Community to Promote Wellness and Healthy Lifestyles. Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous Health, 1(2).
Wasyliw, D., Schaefer, L., Koch, J., McGregor, A., & Deering, P. (2020) “The only thing Mohawk in the classroom was the students:” A Narrative Inquiry into Physical Health Education Teacher Education in Canada. Thresholds in Education Special Issue: Critical Health Education in Critical Times: Pedagogy, Praxis, and Possibilities. (ISSN 0196-9641)
Wasyliw, D., & Schaefer, L. (2020). Chapter 3. Re-Conceptualizing Physical Health Education Teacher Education Through Haudenosaunee Values. In A. Sammel, S. Whatman & L. Blue (Eds.) Indigenizing Education: Discussions and Case Studies from Australia and Canada. Springer: Singapore.
Publications 2010-2o19
Bruner, M., Lovelace, R., Hillier, S., Baillie, C.P.T., Bruner, B.G., Hare, K., Head, C., Paibomsai, A., Lavallée, L.F., Auksi, M.M., Peltier, K., & Lévesque, L. (2019). Indigenous Youth Development through Sport and Physical Activity: Sharing Voices, Stories, and Experiences. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 14(2), 220 –250.
Wasyliw, D., & Schaefer, L. (2019). Inquiring into Indigenous Knowledge: Implications for physical health education teacher education (Abstract). Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal, Volume 10 (Issue 3), pp. 9. Retrieved from
Macridis, S., Bengoechea, E., Jacobs, J., McComber, A., & Macaulay, A. (2019). School Travel Planning with the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project: Partnership Perspectives. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice. 2. 12. 10.33596/coll.34.
Murdoch-Flowers, J., Tremblay, M. C., Hovey, R., Delormier, T., Gray-Donald, K., Delaronde, E., & Macaulay, A. C. (2019). Understanding how Indigenous culturally-based interventions can improve participants' health in Canada. Health promotion international, 34(1), 154–165.
Delormier, T., McComber, A.M. & Macaulay, A.C. (2018). Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project Code of Research Ethics: Development and application, in: Toolbox of research principles in an aboriginal context: Ethics, respect, fairness, reciprocity, collaboration and culture. First Nations of Quebec & Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC), Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Université du Québec en Outaouais (
Khayyat Kholghi, M., Bartlett, G., Phillips, M., Salsberg, J., McComber, A. M., & Macaulay, A. C. (2018). Evaluating an Indigenous health curriculum for diabetes prevention: engaging the community through talking circles and knowledge translation of results. Family practice, 35(1), 80–87.
Wasyliw, D., & Schaefer, L. (2018). Advantages of Identifying & Incorporating Indigenous. Ways of Knowing in Physical Health Education Teacher Education (Abstract). Revuephén EPS-PHEnex Journal, Volume 10 (Issue 1), pp. 1. Retrieved from
Hovey R.B., Seganathy, E., Phillips, M., Mizzau, M., Poulette, A., King, M., Macaulay, A.C. & Gruber, R.A. (2018). Descriptive inquiry into sleep and the sleep habits of children within an Indigenous community. J Indigenous Health; 13: 42-64
Tremblay, M.C., Martin, D.H., McComber, A.M., McGregor, A., & Macaulay, A.C. (2018). Understanding community-based participatory research through a social movement framework: a case study of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. BMC Public Health. 12;18(1):487. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5412-y
Salsberg J., Macridis, S., Delormier, T., Hovey, R.B., Andersson, N., McComber, A.M. & Macaulay, A.C. (2018). Engaging communities to identify needs and develop solutions: Participatory research incorporates community voice in all aspects of health research decision-making. In N Arya & T Pigott (Eds.), Pursuing Health. Edmonton, AB: Athabasca University Press.
Baillie, C.P.T., Galaviz, K.I., Emiry, K., Bruner, M.W., Bruner, B.G., & Lévesque, L. (2017). Physical ActivityInterventions to Promote Positive Youth Development among Indigenous Youth: A RE-AIM Review. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 7(1), 43-51.
Hovey, R. B., Delormier, T., McComber, A. M., Lévesque, L., & Martin, D. (2017). Enhancing Indigenous Health Promotion Research Through Two-Eyed Seeing: A Hermeneutic Relational Process. Qualitative health research, 27(9), 1278–1287.
Salsberg, J., Macridis, S., Garcia Bengoechea, E., Macaulay, A. C., Moore, S., & KSDPP School Travel Planning Committee (2017). The shifting dynamics of social roles and project ownership over the lifecycle of a community-based participatory research project. Family practice, 34(3), 305–312.
Salsberg, J., Macridis, S., Garcia Bengoechea, E., Macaulay, A. C., Moore, S., & KSDPP School Travel Planning Committee (2017). Engagement strategies that foster community self-determination in participatory research: Insider ownership through outsider championship. Family practice, 34(3), 336–340.
Tremblay, M. C., Martin, D. H., Macaulay, A. C., & Pluye, P. (2017). Can we Build on Social Movement Theories to Develop and Improve Community-Based Participatory Research? A Framework Synthesis Review. American journal of community psychology, 59(3-4), 333–362.
Baillie, C.P.T., Johnson, A.M., Drane, S., LePage, R., Whitecrow, D., & Lévesque, L. (2016). For the Community,By the Community: Working with Youth to Understand the Physical Activity-Environment Relationship for First Nations Communities. Youth Engagement in Health Promotion, 1(2), 1-33.
Bruner, M.W., Hillier, S., Baillie, C.P.T., Paibomsai, A., Lavallée, L.F., Auksi, M.M., Emiry, K., Tremblay, T.,Bruner, B.G., Hare, K., Head, C., Lovelace, R., & Lévesque, L. (2016). Positive Youth Development in Aboriginal Physical Activity and Sport: A Systematic Review. Adolescent Research Review, 1(3), 257-269.
Macridis, S., Garcia Bengoechea, E., McComber, A. M., Jacobs, J., Macaulay, A. C., & Members of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project-School Travel Planning Committee (2016). Active transportation to support diabetes prevention: Expanding school health promotion programming in an Indigenous community. Evaluation and program planning, 56, 99–108.
Ramsden VR, Crowe J, Rabbitskin N, Danielle Rolfe D, Macaulay AC. Authentic Engagement, Co-Creation and Action Research. How to do Primary Care Research. Editors: Felicity Goodyear-Smith & Bob Mash on behalf of WONCA. Publisher: CRC Press, Medicine, Taylor & Francis Group.
Hogan, L., Bengoechea, E.G., Salsberg, J., Jacobs, J., King, M. & Macaulay, A.C. (2014), Using a Participatory Approach to the Development of a School-Based Physical Activity Policy in an Indigenous Community. J School Health, 84: 786-792.
Salsberg, J., Macridis, S., Delormier, T., Hovey, R., Andersson, N., McComber, A., & Macaulay, A.C. (2018). Engaging communities to identify needs and develop solutions: Participatory research incorporates community voice in all aspects of health research decision- making. In Health Determinants of Indigenous Inner City and Migrant Populations of Canada. Eds Neil Ayra and Thomas Piggott. Canadian Scholars Press.
Hovey, R., Delormier, T., & McComber, A. M. (2014). Social-relational understandings of health and well-being from an Indigenous perspective. International Journal of Indigenous Health,10(1), 35-54.
Cargo, M., Delormier, T., Lévesque, L., McComber, A., & Macaulay, A. (2011). Community Capacity as an "Inside Job": Evolution of Perceived Ownership Within a University-Aboriginal Community Partnership. American journal of health promotion : AJHP. 26. 96-100. 10.4278/ajhp.091229-ARB-403.
Publications 2000-2009
Delormier, T., Whitebean, S., Jacobs, A., Peterson, L., Macaulay, A. ., Whitebean Sisters, S., McComber, R., Leclaire, P., Deer, M., & Delaronde, E. (2009). Diabetes shockers - short films to raise diabetes awareness in an indigenous community. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 33(3), 240–241.
(KSDPP as case study) Parry, D., Salsberg, J., Macaulay, A.C. (2009). A Guide to Researcher and Knowledge-User Collaboration in Health Research. Ottawa: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Delormier, T., Frohlich, K. L., & Potvin, L. (2009). Food and eating as social practice--understanding eating patterns as social phenomena and implications for public health. Sociology of health & illness, 31(2), 215–228.
Mercille, G., Receveur, O., & Macaulay, A. C. (2010). Are snacking patterns associated with risk of overweight among Kahnawake schoolchildren?. Public health nutrition, 13(2), 163–171.
Receveur, O., Morou, K., Gray-Donald, K., & Macaulay, A. C. (2008). Consumption of key food items is associated with excess weight among elementary-school-aged children in a Canadian first nations community. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108(2), 362–366.
Cargo, M., Delormier, T., Levesque, L., Horn-Miller, K., McComber, A., & Macaulay, A.C. (2008). Can the democratic ideal of participatory research be achieved? An inside look at an academic-indigenous community partnership. Health Education Research, 2;23(5):904-14.
(KSDPP as Case Study) Potvin, L., Kickbusch, I., McQueen, D.V., Pelikan, J.M., Balbo, L., Abel, T. (2007) Managing uncertainty through participation. In: Modernity and Health. Amsterdam: Klewer.
Horn, O. K., Jacobs-Whyte, H., Ing, A., Bruegl, A., Paradis, G., & Macaulay, A. C. (2007). Incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the First Nation community of Kahnawá:ke, Quebec, Canada, 1986-2003. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 98(6), 438–443.
Macaulay, A., Ing, A., Salsberg, J., McGregor, A., Rice, J., Montour, L. & Gray-Donald, K. (2007). Community-based participatory research: sharing results with the community. An example of knowledge translation from the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. 1. 143-152.
Cargo, M., Salsberg, J., Delormier, T., Desrosiers, S., & Macaulay, A. C. (2006). Understanding the social context of school health promotion program implementation. Health Education, 106(2), 85-97.
Macaulay, A. C., Cargo, M., Bisset, S. L., Delormier, T., Lévesque, L., Potvin, L., & McComber, A. M. (2005). Community empowerment for the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes: Kanienkehá:ka (Mohawk) ways for the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. In M. L. Ferreira, & G. C. Lang (Eds.), Indigenous Peoples and Diabetes Community Empowerment and Wellness (pp. 407-433). Carolina Academic Press.
Lévesque, L., Guilbault, G., Delormier, T., & Potvin, L. (2005). Unpacking the black box: a deconstruction of the programming approach and physical activity interventions implemented in the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. Health promotion practice, 6(1), 64–71.
Paradis, G., Lévesque, L., Macaulay, A. C., Cargo, M., McComber, A., Kirby, R., Receveur, O., Kishchuk, N., & Potvin, L. (2005). Impact of a diabetes prevention program on body size, physical activity, and diet among Kanien'keha:ka (Mohawk) children 6 to 11 years old: 8-year results from the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. Pediatrics, 115(2), 333–339.
Levesque, L., Ing, A., Desrosiers, S., & Macaulay, A.C. (2004). Usefulness of a Previous Day Physical Activity Interactive Recall (PAIR) For Kanien'keha:ka Children: An Ancillary Study of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. CDA/CSEM Professional Conference, Oct. 27-30. Quebec City. Published Abstract. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 28(3):269.
Lévesque, L., Cargo, M., & Salsberg, J. (2004). Development of the Physical Activity Interactive Recall (PAIR) for Aboriginal children. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 1(1), 8.
Bisset, S., Cargo, M., Delormier, T., Macaulay, A. C., & Potvin, L. (2004). Legitimizing diabetes as a community health issue: a case analysis of an Aboriginal community in Canada. Health promotion international, 19(3), 317–326.
Jimenez, M. M., Receveur, O., Trifonopoulos, M., Kuhnlein, H., Paradis, G., & Macaulay, A. C. (2003). Comparison of the dietary intakes of two different groups of children (grades 4 to 6) before and after the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 103(9), 1191–1194.
Cargo, M., Lévesque, L., Macaulay, A. C., McComber, A., Desrosiers, S., Delormier, T., Potvin, L., & Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project (KSDPP) Community Advisory Board (2003). Community governance of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project, Kahnawake Territory, Mohawk Nation, Canada. Health promotion international, 18(3), 177–187.
Potvin, L., Cargo, M., McComber, A. M., Delormier, T., & Macaulay, A. C. (2003). Implementing participatory intervention and research in communities: lessons from the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project in Canada. Social science & medicine (1982), 56(6), 1295–1305.
Horn, O. K., Paradis, G., Potvin, L., Macaulay, A. C., & Desrosiers, S. (2001). Correlates and predictors of adiposity among Mohawk children. Preventive medicine, 33(4), 274–281.
Publications 1990-1999
Macaulay, A. C., Commanda, L. E., Freeman, W. L., Gibson, N., McCabe, M. L., Robbins, C. M., & Twohig, P. L. (1999). Participatory research maximises community and lay involvement. North American Primary Care Research Group. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 319(7212), 774–778.
Potvin, L., Desrosiers, S., Trifonopoulos, M., Leduc, N., Rivard, M., Macaulay, A. C., & Paradis, G. (1999). Anthropometric characteristics of Mohawk children aged 6 to 11 years: a population perspective. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 99(8), 955+.
Macaulay, A. C., Delormier, T., McComber, A. M., Cross, E. J., Potvin, L. P., Paradis, G., Kirby, R. L., Saad-Haddad, C., & Desrosiers, S. (1998). Participatory research with native community of Kahnawake creates innovative Code of Research Ethics. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 89(2), 105–108.
Macaulay, A. C., Cross, E. J., Delormier, T., Potvin, L., Paradis, G., & McComber, A. (1998). Developing a Code of Research Ethics for research with a Native community in Canada: a report from the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. International journal of circumpolar health, 57 Suppl 1, 38–40.
Macaulay, A. C., Paradis, G., Potvin, L., Cross, E. J., Saad-Haddad, C., McComber, A., Desrosiers, S., Kirby, R., Montour, L. T., Lamping, D. L., Leduc, N., & Rivard, M. (1997). The Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project: intervention, evaluation, and baseline results of a diabetes primary prevention program with a native community in Canada. Preventive medicine, 26(6), 779–790.
Publications 1980-1989
Montour, L. T., Macaulay, A. C., & Adelson, N. (1989). Diabetes mellitus in Mohawks of Kahnawake, PQ: a clinical and epidemiologic description. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 141(6), 549–552.
Montour, L. T., & Macaulay, A. C. (1988). Diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis: returning research results to the Mohawk community. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 139(3), 201–202.
Macaulay, A. C., Montour, L. T., & Adelson, N. (1988). Prevalence of diabetic and atherosclerotic complications among Mohawk Indians of Kahnawake, PQ. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 139(3), 221–224.
Montour, L. T., & Macaulay, A. C. (1985). High prevalence rates of diabetes mellitus and hypertension on a North American Indian reservation. Canadian Medical Association journal, 132(10), 1110–1112.