One of the core aspects of healthy living is healthy eating.
Healthy eating can benefit you short-term and long-term. It can increase your energy and make you feel good. It can also help to prevent type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases including heart disease and some cancers.
Healthy eating is more than the food that you eat, it also includes the way that you eat. Food is a part of who we are, of our social life, our culture and traditions. Food is an important part of cultural ceremonies and celebrating special occasions. It is also a way to share and connect with one another.
Healthy eating can benefit you short-term and long-term. It can increase your energy and make you feel good. It can also help to prevent type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases including heart disease and some cancers.
Healthy eating is more than the food that you eat, it also includes the way that you eat. Food is a part of who we are, of our social life, our culture and traditions. Food is an important part of cultural ceremonies and celebrating special occasions. It is also a way to share and connect with one another.
The webpage was created to provide tools and ideas for individuals to live a healthy lifestyle. Since the environment and policy play a large role in people’s health and access to healthy foods, KSDPP strongly advocates for healthy environment and policies to promote healthy choices for individuals.
Medical disclaimer: When it comes to nutrition, there is no one size fits all. The content and resources on this page are about general, healthful eating and not intended to be complete or replace individualized advice from a healthcare professional. We highly recommend you consult a healthcare professional such as a registered dietitian/nutritionist or physician for specific advice tailored to your personal needs.